6 cups corn
1 cup water
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1 Tbsp butter
Boil 3 minutes. Cool and put in containers and freeze. If you like Mexicorn, add green and red peppers.
Very good and easy.
Submitted by Marie Fahrbach -- Kaukauna, WI
Blogger's note: We used a pepper stir-fry mix to make our Mexicorn. It was already seasoned, so it was a little different from this recipe, but was still quite good.
We had to make this recipe for several reasons.
1) Who puts a recipe for frozen corn in a cookbook. I thought this was the kind of thing everyone knew. However, Marie, felt her recipe was so special that she needed to tell all her friends about it.
2) MEX-I-CORN. When I read this word I cracked up. Were we so unconscious of what we were saying that we incorporate corn into what comes across as some sort of racial slur. It's got peppers. Of course, the mexicans would eat this. Meanwhile, I've never been served or even offered corn in a mexican restaurant or taqueria.
You might recognize the Mexican Chicken Casserole in the background. Dinner was a Mexifiesta!
Let these two facts not detract from the issue at hand. Mexicorn is pretty darn good. It just adds some flavor to the corn. Don't be afraid to try it. Unless of course, Zapata is some distant relative of yours, then your family might get a little offended. If they could, please just call it Corn with Peppers or even better Pepper Corn (get it? peppercorn)!
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